BioSense, a Serbian based company has dedicated itself to providing innovative and sustainable tech solutions for the current and future agriculture market in Serbia writes The Borgen Project. This is with hopes of creating breakthroughs on the topic of global food security, and to attract younger generations to the field of farming.
With the global population estimated to rise to 10 billion by 2050, food security remains a topic of concern for European Union policymaking. The population increase means that global food production would have to increase by 50% to support the growth. Tech solutions are becoming the main focus to solving agricultural sustainability.
To battle food poverty in Serbia, BioSense is leading a new trend called precision agriculture. The tech uses sensors on a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to round up crop data to be analyzed. Hundreds of sensors are spread out throughout crop fields and gather data on factors such as humidity, growth rate, plant diameter, soil temperature and illumination.
BioSense’s main goal is to “incorporate all efforts and results of various research groups into a unique BioSense integrated system for agricultural monitoring. This system will provide necessary data sets and create breakthroughs in the agrifood sector, not only in terms of increased efficiency, reduced pollution and monetary savings but also in the way that farming is perceived and performed, making agriculture acceptable as a career choice to younger generations of farmers.”
By using the WSN, farmers will be able to address the weaknesses in their crops and strengthen them for better production. By doing so, they increase the level of production for Serbia, in which agriculture is one of the main industries.
Yet, other institutions are also pushing for a more sustainable future. Land O’Lakes, for example, is a farming co-op that owns businesses in seed, animal feed and dairy. Their main goal is to promote sustainable farming in the U.S. To do this, they partnered with Microsoft and developed a solution for identifying sustainable farming practices.
Simplifying the process of bettering crop production is essential in agriculture all over the world; not only in Serbia, and BioSense’s practice has the potential precedent for such a worldwide application.
New generations of farmers will inevitably need and seek out tech solutions to maximize land productivity. They need to be properly educated on emerging innovative practices which allow them to produce food at a higher level.